Wingaru Teach

Feel confident including Aboriginal content and perspectives in your classroom.

Making Aboriginal Perspectives Accessible

Aboriginal educators share knowledge and approaches for meaningful Aboriginal education

Culturally Competent

Our training is designed and delivered by experienced Aboriginal educators so you can be confident you are gaining culturally competent knowledge.

Teaching Standards

Our courses meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, supporting you to refine your practice and maintain your accreditation.

Flexible  Delivery

Build your knowledge at your own pace. Online delivery means you can complete our courses as it
suits you.
Lesson series


Including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content and perspectives in your classroom can be daunting. Knowing what to teach and how to teach it respectfully is overwhelming for many teachers. Our professional development courses are designed to support you to feel confident in your approach to including Aboriginal content and perspectives as a regular part of your program. 

Join our experienced Aboriginal educators as they explore some of the commonly reported barriers faced by teachers and offer practical advice on how to approach Aboriginal perspectives and how to bring more Aboriginal content into your classroom for the benefit of all students.


Discounted Course Bundles

Frequently asked questions

Can I do the course if I don't have any Aboriginal students?

Yes. The course aims to improve outcomes for all students through an increased understanding of Aboriginal communities, their history and culture.

Is this an accredited course?

We are in the process of obtaining NESA accreditation for NSW and TQI accreditation for the ACT. The course information will be updated to reflect this when it is in place.

Do I have to complete the course in one sitting?

No. Our courses are self paced so you can complete them when it suits you. If you need to step away, your progress will be saved and you can continue when you log back in.

How do I get my PD hours credited to my record?

Upon successful completion of all components of the course you will also receive a Certificate of Completion for your records.

I am a Wingaru Kids user, how do i access my free PD course?

Wingaru Kids users will receive a coupon for 2 hours of PD. The coupons are available on your class dashboard. Coupons will be available in Dec 2020. If you need support accessing your dashboard please email

Why am I getting a message saying that my PD coupon cannot be used?

The "Coupon cannot be used anymore or has expired" error appears when the coupon is out of date or when it has already been used. If you think this is a mistake please contact us at and one of our support team will be in contact.

What teachers say about our courses…

"These courses are absolute GOLD! Not only is the conversation between Tricia and Leanne really engaging and easy to listen to but the reinforcement of their message by the voice over and animation makes this one of the most accessible and enjoyable courses I've ever seen"
Voren O'Brien
"Excellent! This should be compulsory! The presenters were great and the activities really made me think."
Peter Andrews
"Great perspective, great ideas! Learnt some new information and found some great resources completing the activities. I felt very happy to be doing something so worthwhile."
Amy Taylor
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